The Toys + Tings toy drive, for the benefit of the children of Isla Mujeres, is collecting toys for the third year running, with participating locations around the island.
The Toys + Tings program is a non-profit organization that aims to help families on the island across the Christmas period.
Participating establishments are offering a cocktail or even a tattoo in exchange for a new toy or school supplies, with these upcoming locations and dates still available for you to donate …
High Vibez Tattoo Studio – Monday 4th – Thursday 7th – 12 PM-5 PM (toy min. value of 250 MXN, in exchange for line work tattoo 5-11cm)
Antal Café - Friday, December 11th – 11 AM – 3 PM (toy in exchange for a signature cocktail)
Javi’s Cantina – Friday, December 15th - 5 PM – 9 PM (toy in exchange for a signature cocktail)
Different businesses have been taking part over the last couple of weeks, and lots of toy and school supplies have been collected, but they still need more for Santa to deliver on December 23rd from 10AM - 2PM.
My name is David Araya and I am manager at Javi's Cantina. I have decided to begin this iniciative called Toys + 'Tings thinking about placing a smile on children's faces this Christmas.
We've teamed up with other businesses that I know operate at the highest standards, setting up a 5-week 'tour' date in order to unite efforts between locals and visitors of Isla Mujeres.
I've experienced first hand what it feels like not to have a Christmas present, add to that the clear necessity some families on the Island have, and it was an easy decision to make and launch Toys + 'Tings.
*If you're interested in donating but your Isla vacation does not necessarily land on a Wednesday, you can still help:
Instagram: @araya_bartekniks
Whatsapp: 998-320-9150
Or visiting at Javis Cantina.