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Get Ready to Shake those Feathers! Carnival on Isla Mujeres, 2024!

Get your dancing shoes on, your headdresses, masks, and colorful outfits, and get ready for Carnival on Isla Mujeres this February! Join in on all the fun, music, and festivities. Take a look at the program for one of the island’s most exciting parties here …

If you’re visiting Isla Mujeres this February 2024, you are in for a treat, as the island hosts a true Caribbean party! The annual Carnival celebrations, Fantasia Tropical Carnaval, Tropical Fantasy Carnival, are planned for February 9th - 13th, with a program full of parades, coronations of Kings and Queens, dance troupe performances, and more! If you’re lucky enough to be visiting during this time, or plan to visit, take a look at what you can expect here. 

  • Friday, February 9th, 7:30 PM - The carnival events officially start in the main square, with the Gala de Coronacion -  Coronation Gala - where the Carnival Kings and Queens in all categories (children, teenagers, adult, senior, special and diverse) will be crowned. There will also be dance troupe performances. The crowing of the King and Queen of the show - Pee Wee and Vielka Valenzuela, and a performance from the King of the show Pee Wee (singer).  

  • Saturday, February 10th, 3:00 PM - The events continue with the first grand parade on Avenida Rueda Medina. With Playa Fest, and a Michelada Fair at Playa Centro (the beach located on the same street as the parade). 

  • 7:30 PM - Noche Tropical, Tropical Night. In the evening the party moves back to the main square, with dance troupes performing on the stage, a comedy show, and a performance from Alberto Barros (salsa singer). 

  • Sunday, February 11th, 3:00 PM - Sunday sees the second grand parade take place on Avenida Rueda Medina. With Playa Fest, and a Michelada Fair at Playa Centro (the beach located on the same street as the parade). 

  • 7:30 PM - Noche de Fantasia y Lentejuelas, Night of Fantasy and Sequins. In the evening the party moves back to the main square again, with dance troupes performing on the stage, as well as another presentation of the Kings and Queens of Carnival. The Bogue Show, and a DJ - DJ Shei, where you can continue the dancing with the rest of the crowd.

  • Monday, February 12th, 6:00 PM - The events continue, with a night designed for the whole family, Noche de la Alegria, Night of Joy. The evening, held in the main square, will include a children’s carnival, dance troupe performances, a children’s costume contest, and a performance from Julio Ponze (singer - double of Juan Gabriel).

  • Tuesday, February 13th, 3:00 PM - Carnival concludes on Tuesday, 13th with the third grand parade on Avenida Rueda Medina. With Playa Fest, and a Michelada Fair at Playa Centro (the beach located on the same street as the parade). 

  • 7:30 PM - The last day of events continues in the evening in the main square, with Quema de Juan Carnaval, The Burning of Juan Carnaval. This traditional ending to carnival includes a grand competition of the adult dance troupes, the reading of Juan Carnaval’s will, and his burning. As well as a performance by Alex Lobos (singer), and his band.

While this is the official line-up of events for Carnival, if you’re visiting during February, and even from now in the run up to February, you will be sure to see lots of dance troupes around the island, practicing, and showing off their moves and wonderful outfits.

Credit for photos from Isla Mujeres events and celebrations - Atenea Gómez Ricalde - Facebook

Thank you for the hard work of President Atenea Gómez Ricalde and her team at the Municipal of Isla Mujeres for providing us with the photos and information, so that we can invite you and keep you up to date with current events on the island.

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