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Celebrating 174 Years of Isla Mujeres!

Isla Mujeres is set to celebrate its 174th anniversary this August! The Fiestas de Fundación 2024 (The 2024 Foundation Festivities), will celebrate the history, culture, and traditions of Isla Mujeres, with a programme of events and activities planned from August 3rd - August 18th. 

If you’re visiting Isla Mujeres this August, you are in for a treat as you can join the island families as they proudly celebrate their town, heritage, culture, and traditions, through local dance troupes, the crowning of its Foundation Festivities Ambassadors, processions, live music, ceviche contests and more. 

Take a look at the program of events planned for the 2024 Foundation Festivities here … 

Saturday, August 3rd, 8:00 PM - 

The Foundation Festivities start in the main square with the Noche de elección y coronación de las embajadoras de las Fiestas de Fundación (The election and coronation of the ambassadors of the Foundation Festivities). You can watch as proud islanders from each category participate to be crowned the ambassadors of the festivities. 

Monday, August 5th, 7:00 PM - 

The program continues with the Bajada de la Virgen - santa misa y procesión (The Descent of the Virgin - Holy Mass and Procession), which takes place in the main square. There will be a presentation of dance groups.

Thursday, August 15th, 7:00 PM - 

The weekend of festivities kicks starts on Thursday in the main square with the Inauguracion de la Feria Fundacion 2024 (The 2024 Foundation Fair Inaugaration), which will begin with a holy mass and procession, a traditional vaqueria with a procession and dancing, as well as a traditional orchestra. 

Friday, August 16th, 6:00 PM - 

Friday sees a day of island pride, starting at 6 PM in the Sala de Cabildo at the Municipal Palace with Conversatorio “Memorias de un Pueblo de Pescadores” (Conversation “Memories of a Fishing Town), which will look back at the rich fishing history of the island.

8:00 PM - At 8:00 PM in the main square there is a ceviche contest and an island drink contest. 

10:00 PM - And to conclude the evening of festivities, in the main square there is a comedian - Pierre David. 

Saturday, August 17th, 8:00 AM - Saturday starts early, as boats head to the Cross of the Bay, to leave a floral offering  

8:00 PM - On Saturday evening there will be a performance by the Orquesta de la Secretaria de Seguridad Ciudadana (Orchestra of Citizen Security) in the main square.

Sunday, August 18th, 1:00 PM - To conclude the festivities, there is a day of partying on the beach on Sunday and live music at night. At 1:00 PM, Playa Fest on Playa Centro will have a DJ, a Michelada fair, and recreational and sporting activities, this is a fun day on the beach! 

9:00 PM - In the evening in the main square, there will be dancing and live music with a performance from Paleto - the voice of Cumbia. 

Credit for photos from Isla Mujeres events and celebrations - Atenea Gómez Ricalde - Facebook

Thank you for the hard work of President Atenea Gómez Ricalde and her team at the Municipal of Isla Mujeres for providing us with the photos and information, so that we can invite you and keep you up to date with current events on the island.

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